Body Mind Spirit

Your room for inner growth
self exploration
and holistic healing

lets look at...

Anxiety, OCD, PTSD…

Our everyday lives are often strongly influenced by external factors. In these fast-moving times with ever greater challenges, we are increasingly reaching our limits and forgetting to stop and organize our everyday lives in the way that is right for us. In combination with bad experiences in the past and now, perfectionism, high expectations and many other imbalancing factors, a lot of health issues such as depression, anxiety, pain, OCD, PTSD can occure.



Fatigue is a feeling of constant exhaustion physically and mentally. Find out what takes away your energy and learn to identify the energy sources and energy drainers in your life.

Inner-child healing

Identifying your family- and childhood trauma is the first step of healing your inner child. It allows you to create a safe and secure place for your younger self. It gives you the chance to become aware of who you are and where you come from. You can find out what your natural gifts are, embrace your inner curiosity and your capacity to love your self.


There are times in life where everything feels out of balance. This can lead to unease, sleeping disorders, tension, stress etc. Together we can find out what got you out of balance and find out what you can do for yourself to bring back ease and inner peace to your life.

Education and development

In the course of our development, we always come to points where we can choose one or the other path. At these points, questions often arise such as “Where am I in life right now?”, “What do I expect from life?”, “Where would I like to go?” Understanding the nature of development and different stages in life will give you a guideline and help you choose the next step.

Also the development from a couple to a family and the subsequent distribution of roles within the family also presents us with new challenges that we cannot always overcome without help. Raising children, work, household, leisure activities, etc.- all of these things can raise questions that I would like to help you find the answers to.

your journey...

happiness and joy

Find out what makes you happy and what brings joy to your life. Release your inner child and play, be creative and learn to focus on the lighter side of life.

release trauma and find love

Childhood-trauma and other traumatic events in life lead to blockage in the whole system. Health issuese, fears, anxiety are some of the symptoms that this blockage can cause. By detecting and releasing your traumas you can bring your systeme back to a state of balance.

finding a new path in life

It is never to late to choose a new path in life. If you are unhappy with the way things are have the courage to change them. Learn to trust your inner voice and let it guide you in new directions.

find your source of strength

Find out what your needs are. Do you have enough time to yourself? Who do you spend time with? Do you live your creativity?…

feel the ease of life

Release all negative energies from you system and find a place of inner peace and happiness. Learn to relax and to unwind and find a place of stillness within your-self.

be conscious and aware of yourself

Can you accept yourself the way you are? Do you feel empathy, respect, love for yourself and others? Are you aware of you inner child? Go on a journey and find answers to these questions.


appoinments available at Wellness New Zealand or online

17 Collingwood Street
Nelson 7010

Contact or 022 1309221

your room for inner growth